Our Mighty Franchise Partners
Entrepreneurs & Automotive Business Owners Looking for Growth
Our Mighty Auto Parts franchise partners come from various backgrounds with different skill sets. Some just love cars and being involved with the automotive industry. Some enjoy wholesale distribution and the freedom it provides for work, play, and overall lifestyle. Others love the ability to interact with their customers each week. For some of our partners, Mighty is a chance to expand their current business portfolio, bringing new revenue streams and enhancing productivity in current operations.
Growth for an Existing Business
Other Mighty franchise partners are affiliated with existing automotive
service businesses: tire centers, quick lube chains, undercar specialists,
and car dealership groups. Automotive-related wholesale distributors have
also added a Mighty division to expand their product offering and become
more valuable to their customers.
Starting a New Business
Many of our franchises are selfâmade entrepreneurs. Their Mighty franchise is a family affair. It could be a husband and wife, a father and daughter, or brothers and cousins. What’s better than making a good living, enjoying your career, and creating a business that can include all or part of your family if you so choose?
These “strategic partners,” as we call them, enjoy the synergies that a Mighty division can provide to help strengthen their core businesses. They look to us to provide revenue growth and additional profits which, in turn, provides opportunities for owners and employees alike.
Together, this unique mix of owners, families, and businesses makes for a stronger Mighty System.
Contact us to learn more about our wholesale auto parts franchise and how it can benefit you.

Build wealth with our proven
business model. -
Stable Industry
Average U.S. vehicle age is 12+
years - all requiring preventative
maintenance. -
Balanced Lifestyle
Mighty’s wholesale-only model
provides more freedom, more
flexibility. -
The Mighty Brand
Mighty has been a trusted name
since 1963 and recognized as one
of the best franchise