Become your own supplier
These car dealerships made the decision to supply themselves and diversify their revenue by integrating a Mighty wholesale distribution business.

If you talk to George Waikem II at Waikem Auto Group (Mighty franchisee since 2002), he will tell you, “Partnering with Mighty helps us accomplish three huge things. The first is maximizing gross profit in our service drives on low-to-medium margin jobs. An extra few dollars of gross can make an oil change a profit generator as opposed to a loss leader. The second is that we insulate ourselves from the whims of our manufacturers when it comes to their ever-changing parts programs. Now, we’re not afraid of saying ‘No’ when they push the latest, greatest program ‘If you’ll just buy X quantity of Y’...as their way to save the dealership money. Finally, by wholesaling to other local shops, we open doors for our main parts departments to sell into accounts who may not normally buy from us.”
Get in touch with us to learn more about how adding a Mighty Auto Parts franchise to your company portfolio can benefit your organization.

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